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Unique UGP-10C 10 cu/ft Propane Refrigerator

Unique UGP-10C 10 cu/ft Propane Refrigerator
Unique UGP-10C 10 cu/ft Propane Refrigerator
Unique UGP-10C 10 cu/ft Propane Refrigerator
Unique UGP-10C 10 cu/ft Propane Refrigerator
Unique UGP-10C 10 cu/ft Propane Refrigerator
Unique UGP-10C 10 cu/ft Propane Refrigerator

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Unique UGP-10C 10 cu/ft Propane Refrigerator

Model Number: 80-294
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Categories: Propane Fridges
  • Description


Unique 10 cu/ft Propane Refrigerator

The Unique 10 is the perfect mid-sized propane fridge. At 9.7 cu/ft total, with a 2.1 cu/ft freezer, this fridge is a step up in size from the old Consuls/Dometic or Servels, and has a much larger freezer for staying a week+ at the summer home. Unique has ensured that the Unique 10 has the same width as the older Consuls/Dometic or Servels (at 23.5″ wide, fits within a 24″ counter opening). You can replace your older, smaller fridge with a larger more modern unit, without the need to modify your counters. Unique continues to innovate, and the Unique 10 now comes with electronic ignition (battery powered) and glass shelves.

Operation: Dual power (propane (LPG) – 110V backup)

*In Canada according to the 2010 Canada B149 Installation Code, if a propane fridge is being used in a dwelling it shall be of the direct vent type. The direct vent propane fridge must be located/ installed on an outside wall (max. 18”/46cm distance from outside wall). In all other applications in Canada, you can legally use propane fridges with either a CO alarming device with safety shut-off or direct vent system, based on your requirements. Please use a licensed gas fitter to install. *

  • Battery Operated Interior Light
  • Battery operated ignition
  • Front mounted controls with cover
  • Reversible doors
  • 4 Adjustable glass shelves
  • One large crisper drawer
  • Dual power (Primary propane - 110V backup)
  • Thermostat
  • Flame Indicator
  • Alarming device with safety shut-off